Saturday 20 April 2019

The first correct novel

Achebe's novel “things fall apart” was a revolution in the African literacy society when it was published. The book provided for the first time, an interpretation of African tribal societies from the view of another African. Achebe wrote the novel in the time frame of the English missionaries and government expanding and conquering other countries. In the time of the book being created, the nigerian society was heavily governed by the british empire but resistance soon began to grow. But, why did Achebe write about the generation that was at least two ahead of his own.

Achebe needed to create the view of a true nigerian tribe, and because those hadn’t been around for half a century he had to use what he knew from the past. His novel includes mass amounts of cultural values and believes, many of which were removed by the british government. Because he wrote about before the arrival and during the arrival of the empire, he was able to demonstrate a clear contrast. To could easily show how the traditions rapidly changed when the british arrived, and he could easily reflect the problems of both the british-ruled society and the independant tribes. Because Achebe includes the issues of the old tribal society, it could indicate that he does want change, but does not want to go back to how it was before. He also worked towards an independent society of Nigeria, which further suggests that he wanted people to not live in the past but to learn living together as a country.

Many believe that Achebe writes during the arrival because he is a proud christian and wants to represent these values as well. There are indeed aspects of this in the novel, namely being the openness of the missionaries and the churches in the changing nigerian tribes. Achebe writes that they helped those who were outcasts and allowed them to live again, this is also how christianity often link themselves to people saying that they give others another change and only work to help the people. This could suggest that Achebe purposely includes the change in religion to justify the actions of the missionaries we came to the tribes.

Ultimately Achebe’s novel holds deep values for the both the nigerian tribes and christianity, but he still wrote fairly towards both sides. His novel became a revolutionary text as it was one of the first pieces of acknowledged african literature

Tuesday 15 January 2019

target audience and appeals

Billedresultat for advertisements
The 2016 advertisement by colgate uses dominant symbolism of power in athletes along with the specific diction “strength” to appeal to the audiences need to dominate by submitting the belief that colgate toothpaste enhances the powerful smiles of its users. The advertisement is largely targeted towards women, as suggested by the use of a stereotypically sportif woman biting into boxing handwraps. The woman also carries an contentious facial expression which further appeals to the audiences need to dominate. The image relies heavily on the use of Ethos to persuade the audience to buy the product which is depicted to increase or enhance the user’s teeth.

Saturday 12 January 2019

morality in advertisements

Ever since the mass media exploded, advertisers have found new, more effective ways to sell their products. A major roll in the development of an advertisement is choosing a target audience and appealing to their views. There’s no point in trying to sell a stuffed animal to an 40 year old. But while the advertisements appeal to certain people, is it morally correct to stereotype people? Because the media influences how we view different stereotypes it is an important discussion as they are the ones to decide if a biker is a kind and gentle person, or a rough brute. The advertising on YouTube and website links is a kind that receives a lot of criticism. Known as click-bait, with the intent to make the user click on the video or link, it is viewed as underhanded and generally hated. It generally hits young children or those who don’t use the media a lot. Most people say that this is morally incorrect. But is that just because it is new? All they really do is advertise their website or video.

Advertisements on tv and similar platforms is on another level. They spend hours creating a 10 second clip that is designed solely to make people by a certain product. These are also the most viewed which is why they are the most impactful. Creating a stereotype on the advertisements chooses how others see people who fit the stereotype. The advertisers decide who people are. This is obviously a big problem as it effects a persons identity, do we chose ourselves who we are? Personally I believe that they use stereotypes to appeal to their audience and that this is a side effect. But should we say they can’t use and prevent it? I don’t believe that, the people obviously obtain a twisted viewpoint on others but that’s how it always is, even without media people will create stereotypes themselves. I think it’s up to people to choose how they view others.